Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 1st of October, 2024

This Contract is made between:

FinanceOne sh.p.k, a limited liability company, registered at the National Business Center with the Unique Identification Number (NUIS) M31709024O, with its headquarters at “Ibrahim Rugova Street 352, Apt. 25, Tirana, Albania”, in the process to receive license from the Bank of Albania as an Electronic Money Institution, with tax identification number M31709024O (hereinafter referred to as “FinanceOne” or the “Issuer”); and
The Client, any individual who successfully identifies in the manner mentioned below, has a unique account number in the FinanceOne Application, and intends to use FinanceOne Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Holder” or the “Client”).
The Issuer and the Holder are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually as the “Party”.


A. FinanceOne is an Electronic Money Institution, licensed and monitored by the Bank of Albania.
B. FinanceOne offers Services (as defined below) for the use of electronic money through the FinanceOne Application, and the Client wishes to use these Services.
C. The Parties are entering into this Contract to regulate the use of the Services provided by FinanceOne through the FinanceOne Application, as well as their rights and obligations.


Words beginning with capital letters and acronyms used in this Contract have the meanings defined below:

1.1. "ALL" means Lek, the official currency of the Republic of Albania;
1.2. "FinanceOne Application" means the application created by FinanceOne, which can be downloaded on Android and iOS smartphones, through which the Client creates/opens/activates the FinanceOne Profile on their smartphone and accesses the Services offered;
1.3. "BSH" refers to the Bank of Albania;
1.4. "Business Day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or any other day on which banks are required to be closed according to Applicable Legislation;
1.5. "EUR" refers to the Euro currency;
1.6. "Electronic Money Institution" or "EMI" means a company that conducts the financial activity of issuing electronic money, based on a license approved by the Bank of Albania;
1.7. "Client" refers to an individual who intends to use FinanceOne Services and has accepted the terms of this Contract;
1.8. "KYC" (Know Your Client) refers to mandatory procedures according to Law No. 9917, dated 19.05.2008, "On the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing," as amended;
1.9. "Applicable Legislation" means all laws, by-laws, guidelines, and other acts of regulatory authorities, international agreements, and any other applicable norms within the territory of the Republic of Albania;
1.10. "Payment Services Law" means Law No. 55, dated 30.04.2020, "On Payment Services;"
1.11. "Contract" means this Contract, including its annexes;
1.12. "Electronic Money" means the monetary value stored electronically or magnetically, representing a claim against FinanceOne, the issuer of electronic money, which issues it without delay in exchange for the debiting of funds to facilitate the payment of transactions;
1.13. "Wallet" refers to the Client’s account in FinanceOne where their funds are deposited and converted into electronic money, and which will be used to carry out the Services;
1.14. "Profile" refers to the Client's profile, created and accessible through the FinanceOne Application, where the Client can manage the Wallet and other Services;
1.15. "Licensing Regulation" refers to Regulation No. 59, dated 24.11.2021, "On the Licensing of Payment Institutions and Electronic Money Institutions, as well as the Registration of Payment Service Providers," approved by the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania;
1.16. "Privacy Policy" refers to the document approved by FinanceOne in accordance with Applicable Legislation to regulate the handling of any personal data collected, stored, processed, and held by FinanceOne, as well as other information related to the subject, purpose, sources, recipients, and other important aspects of personal data;
1.17. "Services" refers to the services provided by the FinanceOne Application, as outlined in section 6 of this Contract, including but not limited to payments, transfers, and currency exchange.


2.1. This Contract governs the use of the Services provided by FinanceOne through the FinanceOne Application and the rights and obligations of the Parties.
2.2. In accordance with the terms of this Contract and the Applicable Law, FinanceOne undertakes to issue, hold, and redeem Electronic Money and provide Services to the Client.
2.3. FinanceOne shall be responsible for:
- opening the Wallet for the Client;
- accepting Funds from the Client;
- issuing the appropriate value of Electronic Money;
- crediting them to the Wallet opened by the Client;
- executing the Client’s instructions for the transfer of Electronic Money and other transactions with Electronic Money.
2.4. The Client shall be responsible for:
- paying the applicable Fees for the Services offered by FinanceOne;
- using the FinanceOne Application and Services in compliance with the Applicable Law.


3.1. This Contract enters into force between the Parties after the cumulative fulfillment of the following conditions:
i. The Client accepts all the terms of the Contract by clicking on the "Accept" box, confirming that they have read and accepted the Privacy Policy;
ii. The Client completes the registration steps in the FinanceOne Application and creates the Client Profile;
iii. FinanceOne receives confirmation of the acceptance of the terms of the Contract by the Client, finalizes the Client's registration in the FinanceOne Application, and creates the Client Profile;
iv. FinanceOne sends the Client confirmation of the creation of their Profile and an electronic copy of the Contract.

3.2. The Contract is considered concluded in accordance with the provisions of point 3.1 above and remains in effect for an indefinite period.
3.3. If FinanceOne is unable to properly and fully complete the KYC procedure, this implies that the registration and creation of the Client's Account has not been successfully completed, and as a result, this Contract will not be considered concluded between the Parties.
3.4. The Account creation may be refused without explanation. In any case, refusals will be based on the Applicable Law, and in accordance with the latter, the reason may not be disclosed.


4.1. The Client must first download the FinanceOne application on their smartphone (Android or iOS).
4.2. After downloading the application, the Client must register in the FinanceOne Application and follow the procedure as follows to create a Profile and use the Services:
i. The Client must enter their phone number;
ii. After entering the number, the system automatically sends an SMS code to the phone number provided by the Client;
iii. The Client enters the code received by SMS so that the system can verify that the phone number belongs to the Client;
iv. After verifying the number, the Client must provide their email address, first name, last name, and password for their Profile;
v. Then the Client must take a photo of their identity document, passport, or ID card;
vi. Finally, the Client must take an on-the-spot selfie.

4.3. The Client commits to providing FinanceOne with all the information and documents required for the KYC procedures, within the timeframe specified by FinanceOne, and in the form and language specified by FinanceOne.
4.4. In case of any changes to any of the data declared by the Client, the Client commits to immediately update the data in the FinanceOne Application and promptly notify FinanceOne.
4.5. To access the FinanceOne Application Services, the Client must have an active phone number and a functional electronic device such as a smartphone, tablet, computer, or laptop.
4.6. The Client may have only one Profile in the FinanceOne Application.
4.7. Upon Profile creation, the Client will automatically have a Wallet opened in ALL and may also create a Wallet in the following currencies:
- EUR;
- USD;
- GBP.

4.8. Information about the Wallet and Services can be accessed by the Client whenever they log into their Profile and respective Wallet.
4.9. The Client may not assign or transfer ownership of any of their Wallets to anyone else.


5.1. The Client can deposit funds, withdraw funds, and perform other actions within their Wallet in accordance with the Services offered by the FinanceOne Application. All funds stored in the Wallet are Electronic Money issued by FinanceOne and are available to the Client to carry out transactions and other actions in their profile.
5.2. When the Client deposits or receives funds in the Wallet, FinanceOne will issue Electronic Money and credit or debit the Wallet with the nominal value of the deposited and/or received funds (after payment of any applicable Fees).
5.3. It is emphasized that the funds held in the Wallet are not deposits with FinanceOne or other repayable funds, and as such, no interest or benefit will be given by FinanceOne in relation to the storage of the Electronic Money.


The Services accessible through the FinanceOne Application are described below. Additional information and data can be found on the FinanceOne website.


6.1. The Client can top-up their Wallet by:
i. Transferring money to their Wallet from a bank account – processing time will be 0-1 days for a bank account within Albania and 1-3 days for SWIFT transfers;
ii. Receiving money transfers from a third-party bank account – processing time will be 0-1 days for a bank account within Albania and 1-3 days for SWIFT transfers;
iii. Receiving transfers from another client registered in the FinanceOne Application – processing time will be immediate (a few seconds);
iv. Using a credit or debit card by providing card details, card number, expiration date, and the last three digits of the CVC code.

6.2. Funds in the Wallet are the property of the Client, except for fees and similar charges payable to FinanceOne, as provided by this Contract in Article VII below.
6.3. The Client has the right to redeem Electronic Money from the Wallet at any time, except in cases where the Wallet and/or Services provided to the Client are blocked or otherwise restricted in accordance with this Contract or Applicable Law.
6.4. When Electronic Money is redeemed from the Wallet, the value of the Electronic Money withdrawn by the Client (after deduction of any applicable fees) will be redeemed by FinanceOne at its nominal value.
6.5. The Client may deposit and redeem Electronic Money, subject to the limits outlined in the table in Annex 1, "Transaction Limits," which is an integral part of this Contract. The limits will also be made known to the Client on the FinanceOne website.
6.6. FinanceOne reserves the right, unilaterally and without the Client's consent, to set other limits, which will be notified to the Client in a reasonable time.


6.1. The Client can use their Wallet to make any transfer supported by FinanceOne to another client registered in the FinanceOne Application.
6.2. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that the data entered in the transaction form is correct.
6.3. The request to execute the transaction will be considered received once the Client gives their confirmation.
6.4. FinanceOne will execute the transfer submitted by the Client according to the provisions set forth in the Applicable Legislation, provided that:
i. The Wallet has sufficient funds to execute the transfer and pay fees and commissions (if applicable);
ii. The Client does not exceed the transaction limit set by FinanceOne;
iii. The funds in the Wallet are not frozen, and there are no other restrictions under Applicable Law.
6.5. If the recipient's account currency is different from the currency of the funds being transferred by the Client, the transaction may not be processed, or additional Currency Exchange Fees/charges may apply.
6.6. It is the Client's responsibility to ensure that the recipient's account is in the same currency as the amount the Client is transferring. FinanceOne is not liable for any losses caused by a mismatch with the recipient's account currency.


6.1. Through the currency exchange service, the user can convert ALL into Euro, Dollars, or GBP.
6.2. The currency exchange is based on the FinanceOne exchange rate valid at the time of conversion. The FinanceOne exchange rate is based on the Bank of Albania's average rate.
6.3. The Client selects the currencies they wish to exchange against each other.
6.4. The Client enters the amount of the initial currency they wish to exchange. The application will display real-time exchange rates for reference.
6.5. The FinanceOne application calculates the amount of the destination currency the Client will receive based on the entered amount and the current exchange rate. The application may also display any fees or charges related to the exchange.
6.6. The Client confirms the exchange details, including the amount, exchange rate, fees, and the final amount they will receive.
6.7. Once confirmed, the application executes the currency exchange transaction. This involves deducting the initial currency from the user's account and crediting the exchanged amount of the destination currency.
6.8. The FinanceOne application provides confirmation of the completed transaction, including details such as the exchanged amount, exchange rate, fees, and any transaction ID or reference number.
6.9. The Client may also receive an electronic receipt.


6.1. Payments via FinanceOne can be made in two ways:
a. By scanning a QR code displayed at the store through the FinanceOne application. After scanning the QR code, the Client can pay the total bill in the FinanceOne app, and the seller is notified of the successful payment through system interactions.
b. By entering credit or debit card details, phone number, address, and email. The credit/debit card is processed through FinanceOne, and both the user and seller receive a confirmation email once the payment is successfully completed.

6.2. Payments in stores are processed as follows:
a. The seller enters the amount the buyer needs to pay in their FinanceOne application, and the system generates a unique QR code for the transaction.
b. The seller shows this code to the buyer, who scans it using their FinanceOne application. The amount the buyer needs to pay is displayed on their screen without the option to modify it.
c. The buyer confirms the payment, and a notification is sent to both the seller's and buyer's mobile devices, confirming the completed transaction.
d. The entire payment procedure takes approximately 15-20 seconds.


7.1. FinanceOne applies fees and charges in accordance with the table presented in Annex 2 – "Fees and Charges," which is an integral part of this agreement.


8.1. FinanceOne reserves the right to continuously and periodically conduct monitoring checks to detect, among other things, suspicious or illegal activities, and to assess the Client's compliance with this Agreement.
8.2. FinanceOne reserves the right to request additional information and/or documentation from the Client to conduct monitoring checks on transfers.
8.3. FinanceOne reserves the right to take actions in accordance with Applicable Law, including but not limited to: suspending, limiting, or terminating, in whole or in part, the Services and/or closing the Client’s FinanceOne Profile in case of identifying suspicious, illegal, unauthorized, or criminal activities.


9.1. A transaction is considered authorized only if the Client has given consent to execute the payment transaction. Otherwise, the transaction is considered unauthorized.
9.2. The Client must inform FinanceOne as soon as possible if they believe that any transaction has been carried out mistakenly or without the Client’s authorization.
9.3. The Client agrees to regularly review the transactions performed in their Wallet and inform FinanceOne of any unauthorized payment transaction.
9.4. FinanceOne reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of the amount of the unauthorized payment transaction to the Client if FinanceOne has reasons to suspect fraud or if the Client does not notify FinanceOne as soon as they become aware of the mistakenly or unauthorized executed payment transaction.
9.5. Where possible, FinanceOne will restore the debited Client Wallet to the state it would have been in if the unauthorized payment transaction had not occurred.


10.1. The Client declares and guarantees that:
a. The Client has full legal capacity to act and enter into this Agreement.
b. The Client has carefully read, fully understood, and accepted all the contents of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, after being fully informed of their terms and conditions;
c. All information and/or documents that the Client provides to FinanceOne are accurate, complete, and up-to-date;
d. The funds in the Client’s Wallet are not derived from illegal activities;
e. The Client will not use the Services for illegal purposes;
f. The Client agrees to pay FinanceOne the fees for the Services and transactions carried out by FinanceOne, which FinanceOne has the right to deduct from the Wallet;
g. The Client agrees that FinanceOne reserves the right to continuously and periodically perform monitoring checks, including for suspicious activities;
h. The Client commits to immediately notify FinanceOne of any mistakenly credited or debited funds, as well as other errors in the Wallet transactions, and to return any mistakenly credited funds to FinanceOne. The Client also commits to notify FinanceOne immediately upon becoming aware of any unauthorized use of their Wallet;
i. The Client agrees to actively participate in any investigation related to the Client's Profile, Wallet, or activities.


11.1. FinanceOne declares and guarantees that:
a. FinanceOne has all the necessary licenses and permits to provide the Services and enter into this Agreement;
b. FinanceOne will process and store all the information and data received from the Client in accordance with this Agreement, the Data Protection Policy, and Applicable Legislation;
c. FinanceOne commits to fulfilling its obligations with due care, in accordance with this Agreement and Applicable Legislation.


12.1. FinanceOne guarantees that the Client's funds will not be merged with the funds of FinanceOne or any other individual or legal entity, other than the holders of electronic money on whose behalf the funds are held. The funds will be deposited in a separate bank account.
12.2. The Client commits to complying with all security measures and is responsible for taking all reasonable steps to protect their FinanceOne Profile and Wallet, including but not limited to:
a. The Client will keep their credentials and PINs/passwords strictly confidential and with the utmost diligence;
b. The Client will not allow third parties to access their Profile;
c. The Client will immediately notify FinanceOne if the device used to access the FinanceOne App is misused, lost, stolen, or falsified/copied;
d. The Client will not provide their credentials or PINs/passwords on any website without ensuring that the website is safe to use;
e. The Client will remain vigilant for updates, including security updates to the FinanceOne App, and will perform such updates from the official app store platform by following the instructions provided there;
f. The Client agrees to immediately notify FinanceOne through the communication channels provided in this Agreement in case of fraud, suspicion of fraud, or a security threat.
12.3. If FinanceOne suspects a security breach or fraud, it will inform the Client of its concerns through the FinanceOne App.
12.4. FinanceOne may freeze, suspend, or block the Client's Profile and/or Wallet if it has concerns about the security of the Profile and/or Wallet.


13.1. FinanceOne does not guarantee that the Services and the FinanceOne App will be available at all times without interruption and is not liable for any damage caused to the Client for the reasons mentioned in this Agreement, Applicable Law, and specifically in this article.
13.2. FinanceOne is not liable for:
a. Relationships between payers and beneficiaries;
b. Malfunctions in third-party electronic systems while the Client accesses third-party systems;
c. Any delay or failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (including any payment delay) due to causes beyond FinanceOne's reasonable control, including but not limited to any force majeure event, action or omission by the Client or any third party, bank failure, or delay in any other system, electronic transmission, any accident, emergency, or other abnormal or unforeseeable circumstances;
d. Any damage, loss, or liability resulting from the provision of the Services in cooperation with third parties for the provision of Services.
e. Any loss resulting from a request imposed on FinanceOne by Applicable Law.
13.3. To the extent permitted by Applicable Law, FinanceOne, including but not limited to its directors, key personnel, or employees, is not liable, and the Client agrees not to hold them liable for any damage or loss that directly or indirectly results from:
a. Delays or interruptions in the Services;
b. Defects, flaws, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in the Services;
c. Viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing the Website or any linked site or service;
d. The content, actions, or inactions of third parties;
e. Illegal actions and operations by third parties carried out using falsified and/or illegal documents or data obtained illegally;
f. Actions and errors of financial institutions and other entities involved in the payment transaction process;
g. Any action taken regarding the Client, the Client's Profile, and/or Wallet, including blocking the Wallet and/or suspending the Services;
h. Any loss or inability to conduct business resulting from changes to this Agreement or the internal acts of FinanceOne;
i. Any action or inaction by FinanceOne employees that occurs during the payment transaction process or while managing the Client's Wallet and/or Profile.
13.4. To the extent permitted by Applicable Law and this Agreement, if FinanceOne breaches this Agreement, the compensation payable to the Client by FinanceOne will not exceed the average of the fees paid by the Client to FinanceOne in the last 3 (three) months prior to the breach, but in any case, no more than EUR 300 (three hundred euros).
13.5. FinanceOne will be liable to the Client only for direct and immediate damages suffered by the Client. FinanceOne will not be liable for loss of income or profits or for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages arising from or related to this Agreement or the Services.


14.1. As part of its operations as an electronic money institution, FinanceOne commits to processing the Client's personal data only in accordance with the applicable legislation on personal data protection, as well as [link to full Privacy Policy], these terms, and this Agreement.
14.2. FinanceOne collects and processes two main types of data:
a. Personal data that enables the fulfillment of the services under this Agreement;
b. Other data aimed at improving the quality and level of personalization of the services, only if the Client has given express written consent, in accordance with Applicable Law.
14.3. FinanceOne will not transfer the Client's personal data to unauthorized third parties. Any transfer of Client personal data to third parties will only be carried out in compliance with Applicable Law.
14.4. Any processing and storage of the Client's personal data will be done to the extent and for as long as necessary to provide the services under this Agreement or as required by applicable regulatory frameworks.


15.1. The Client may submit any complaint related to the Services using the communication channels specified in this Agreement, no later than 30 (thirty) days after becoming aware of the subject of the complaint.
15.2. Client complaints must clearly refer to the circumstances and documents that serve as the basis for the complaint.
15.3. FinanceOne will investigate the Client's complaint no later than within 5 (five) Business Days from the date the complaint is received and will provide the Client with a detailed and reasoned response.
15.4. In exceptional cases, where due to reasons beyond FinanceOne's control or due to the complexity of the situation, a response cannot be provided within 5 (five) Business Days, FinanceOne will provide the Client with a preliminary response, explaining the reason for the delay and the timeline for providing a final response. In any case, the final response period must not exceed 30 (thirty) Business Days from the date the request is received.
15.5. FinanceOne will maintain a separate record of submitted complaints/requests and the responses given.
15.6. FinanceOne will review Client complaints free of charge.


16.1. FinanceOne will provide assistance and guidance to its Clients regarding the Services and/or the FinanceOne Application.
16.2. Clients can contact FinanceOne through:

a. Phone: 00355694045957
b. Email address: [email protected]
c. Registered mail address: "Tirana, Tirana, Rruga Ibrahim Rugova, 352, Nr. Ap:25."

16.3. The Client will receive information from FinanceOne through the following means:

a. Website;
b. FinanceOne Application;
c. SMS messages;
d. Email.

16.4. The Client agrees that the email address and phone number provided during the registration and identity verification process will be used for communication with FinanceOne.
16.5. The Client is responsible for notifying any changes to their email address and phone number in accordance with this Agreement.
16.6. Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, all communications and/or notifications between the Parties shall be made via email.

17.1. FinanceOne has the right to unilaterally change this Agreement (including the fees for Services) by notifying the Client at least 60 (sixty) days before the proposed effective date of the changes to the Agreement.

17.2. The amended Agreement will also be published on the official FinanceOne website and the FinanceOne Application.

17.3. Unless the Client notifies FinanceOne that they do not accept the changes to the Agreement before the proposed effective date of those changes, the Client will be deemed to have accepted the proposed changes made by FinanceOne to the Agreement if they continue to use the Services and keep their Profile active.

17.4. The Client may terminate the Agreement without penalty and with immediate effect at any time before the proposed implementation date of the changes by notifying FinanceOne that they refuse the changes to the Agreement.


18.1. Each Party has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement by sending the other Party a notice of termination of the Agreement no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of termination.

18.2. FinanceOne will not impose penalties even if the Client terminates the Agreement within 6 (six) months from the date the Agreement comes into effect.

18.3. The Client reserves the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement by notifying FinanceOne that they do not accept the changes to the Agreement before these changes begin to take effect.

18.4. FinanceOne has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement without further notice if no action has been taken in the FinanceOne Application for one calendar year.

18.5. Without prejudice to any right provided in this Agreement, each Party has the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by sending a termination notice to the other Party if:

i. The other Party commits a material breach of any provision of this Agreement and, if such a breach is correctable, fails to correct that breach within a period of 20 (twenty) days after being notified;

ii. The other Party repeatedly breaches any provision of this Agreement;

iii. Applicable Law makes it illegal for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement;

iv. The other Party is under investigation by the competent authorities for illegal actions, including but not limited to actions related to money laundering or terrorist financing;

v. The other Party is subject to bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings.

18.6. To initiate the closure of the Profile, the Client must submit a closure request to FinanceOne.

18.7. To close the Profile, the Client must submit a closure request to the official email address of FinanceOne: [email protected]. FinanceOne will process the closure request only if there are no pending transactions or disputes related to the Client's Profile. FinanceOne will process the closure request only if there are blocking orders on the Client's Profile or Wallets. The balances of the Wallets must be zero for FinanceOne to finalize the closure request. If the Client's Wallets show a balance, the Client will be instructed to bring their balance to zero before the Profile is closed. The closure of the Client's Profile also implies the termination of the Agreement.


19.1. This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising from it, its resolution, or enforceability shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Albania.

19.2. Any dispute or claim arising from either Party shall be under the jurisdiction of the First Instance Court of the General Jurisdiction of Tirana.


20.1. This Agreement is executed in the English language.

20.2. All communications between the Parties shall be conducted at least in the English language.

20.3. The Client is prohibited from copying, imitating, or using the Intellectual Property Rights related to or owned by FinanceOne without the prior written consent of FinanceOne.

20.4. FinanceOne shall not be liable to the Client for any liability under this Agreement if the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement, or the operation of its business, is hindered or delayed due to phenomena, actions, inactions, or unforeseen events beyond the reasonable control of FinanceOne, including but not limited to fires, floods, storms, or other natural disasters, wars, protests, civil disturbances, strikes, or similar disputes, whether involving FinanceOne or third parties, interruptions of public services, transportation networks, or electronic communication networks, etc.

20.5. If at any time any provision of this Agreement, including the provisions in its annexes, is deemed or becomes invalid or unenforceable for any reason under the Applicable Legislation, it shall be removed from the Agreement, and the provisions of the Applicable Law shall apply automatically.

The Client expresses as follows:

I have been informed of and accept each and all of these terms in this document.

Specifically and separately, I expressly approve Articles 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 18 of this Agreement.

Description Maximum daily account credit value
Individual 300 000 Lekë
Description Daily transaction limit
Individual 50
Description Maximum monthly account credit value
Individual 1 500 000 Lekë
Description Monthly transaction limit
Individual 500
Description Maximum annual value of all transaction
Individual 7 500 000 Lekë
Description Minimum value for an account top-up
Individual 1 000 Lekë
Description Maximum daily value for account top-up
Individual 300 000 Lekë
Description Maximum daily withdrawal amount
Individual 300 000 Lekë


Monthly payment "Free" Plan "Monthly payment" Plan
0 Lekë 200 Lekë
Account opening
Account maintenance
Sending and receiving payments within FinanceOne users
Utility payment (electricity, water, mobile phone, fines, insurance, etc.)
Credit FO account through bank transfers
Credit FO account through debit/credit card
Withdrawal of funds through transfer to bank accounts
Approval of incoming and outgoing transfers Standard Immediate
Account closure
Priority in customer support -
Customer support 8:00-16:00 24/7
Access to the most advanced features of the application - Analytical presentation of expenses, customized reports, etc.
* Note: In the "Free" Plan, commissions from the 3rd parties are paid by the customer!